OASIS Unrestricted Pool 4 Prime Contractor
Netorian, LLC is a prime contractor for OASIS Pool 4 (Unrestricted) and a subcontractor under OASIS Pool 3 (Small Business), OASIS Pool 3 (Unrestricted), and OASIS Pool 4 (Unrestricted).
General Overview of OASIS
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) is a collection of multiple-award IDIQ, task order contracts with a 10-year period of performance (5-year base and 5-year option period). OASIS is the GSA’s most comprehensive and flexible IDIQ contract for complex professional service requirements. The comprehensive scope of the OASIS contract spans six core service disciplines – Program Management, Management Consulting, Engineering, Scientific, Logistics, and Finance. It is organized around 28 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and six exceptions, which are allocated among seven NAICS code pools. Clients may issue a task order in the pool where the requirement best aligns to the NAICS code associated with that type of work.
OASIS allows for all contract types at the task order level: cost reimbursement (all types), fixed price (all types), time and materials, and labor hour. Task orders may also combine more than one contract type, such as FFP/cost, FFP/labor hour. Task orders may include incentives, performance-based measures, multi-year or option periods, and commercial or non-commercial items.
OASIS-related marketing materials and news releases.
Contractor Capabilities for OASIS
Netorian received an award in Unrestricted Pool 4 as a prime contractor (47QRAD20DU438), an award in Pool 3 Small Business as a subcontractor, and awards in Pools 3 and 4 Unrestricted as a subcontractor.
Other capabilities may be found at https://www.netorian.com/capabilities/.
Contractor Key Personnel POC Information
Mr. Edward Dow, Proposals Manager, 443-752-7564, edow@netorian.com
Ms. Caitlin Whately, Contracts Manager, 443-900-3800, cwhately@netorian.com
The OASIS conformed contract through the latest modification in Adobe format.
The OASIS Contract’s Awarded DUNS Number and CAGE Code:
DUNS: 829318216 / CAGE: 5AQS2
Sustainability Disclosures, if any:
Not applicable.